Paige -Nicole
Sunday, 5 May 2013
Cinema 4D: Character Model
In this tutorial I looked at creating a 3D character model. I started by creating a cube and changed it to Gouraud shading (lines). I then m...
CInema 4D: Shattered Logo Ident
In this lesson we got to look at Cinema 4D in a bit more depth and learnt how to create a 3D ident using this software . To start off wit...
Cinema 4D: Glass Name and Lights
In this tutorial I was looking at different materials and adding these to shapes and text. I created my name in 3D by using the text tool. I...
3D Max: Bouncing Ball
In this lesson we looked at an online tutorial to get used to learning the software ourselves. I was trying to create a bouncing ball. Fir...
3D Max: Materials
In this tutorial I learnt how to make different 3D shapes and planes in 3D Max . I created a ball and a tyre on a grass floor with a...
3D Max: Box Move Test
This was a quick introduction to 3D Max and looking at the basics. I looked at the different tools in the software and how to create diff...
Sunday, 20 January 2013
After Effects: TV Ident
In this lesson I learnt how to make a TV Ident in After Effects . This helped me understand how to animate shapes and use the effe...
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