Sunday 13 January 2013

Photoshop: Layers

This lesson was an introduction to layers in 'Photoshop' and 'Illustrator'. Firstly i learnt the basics of Photoshop such as toolbars and dialogue boxes. I then opened this star image to practice with layers: 

I opened the star image into Photoshop and changed its original layer to a background layer. I added a 'multiply' blend mode to this layer so that other layers behind could be seen. I then opened a new layer to make my first selection to be filled in.

I used the polygonal lasso tool to go around the shape of the star to make an accurate selection. I then used the bucket tool to fill the star in with a colour from the colour swatch. I used this technique to fill in the rest of the image. 

I already knew how to use Photoshop and how to use layers this way but this lesson was a good recap over how to use the software and learn different techniques.
However i have never used Illustrator. I learnt how to do the same in this software even though it is similar to Photoshop i learnt how to use layers and fill in objects using Illustrator.

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