Sunday 5 May 2013

Cinema 4D: Glass Name and Lights

In this tutorial I was looking at different materials and adding these to shapes and text. I created my name in 3D by using the text tool. I then wanted to add a glass effect to this by using the materials and effects to make it look transparent. I then created spheres and looked at creating different effects on different spheres. On some of the spheres I added a reflection effect so that there are reflections from each other in different spheres. On another sphere I looked at making it glow, which I did using the light blue sphere.

After experimenting with different effects on the spheres I looked at lights and placement of the lights to create shadows on the spheres. I put my light in the glowing sphere to make it look like the glowing sphere was giving off the light onto the others.

I found it quite simple to create the glass name and adding some of the effects to the spheres. I struggled with adding light and the shadowing and I think there is too much glow on the glowing sphere it doesn't look much like a glow but a bright coloured, flat circle. I could do with experimenting with lighting to get used to this more as it seems to be something I struggle with the most on this software.

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