Sunday 5 May 2013

CInema 4D: Shattered Logo Ident

In this lesson we got to look at Cinema 4D in a bit more depth and learnt how to create a 3D ident using this software. To start off with I needed to create a logo in Illustrator in which I used my initials and used bright colours. Once I had my logo finished I imported this into Cinema 4D. I learnt this by following a video tutorial.

Once it was imported into Cinema 4D I made the logo flat on the floor by changing the coordinates of the logo. Once in the correct position I went to 'Extrude Nurbs' and dragged the logo onto it. I then went to 'Make Editable' to change the object into a polygonal object. I clicked on the shading lines to highlight them and then with the logo selected I went to the edge select tool, right clicked on the object and selected the knife tool to be able to cut the image into sections. After I thought it was cut into enough pieces I went to the live selection tool and face select tool and selected all the pieces in one of the letters and set the selection and repeated this for each letter. 

I then created 4 materials making them pure white and unticking the Specular box. I added the white material colour to the logo and used the selection tags to select and colour in the letters. After this I added an Extrude object and dragged it onto the logo and changed the transform to 'per step' and extrustion steps to 1. I selected the Extrude object and added a random effector  and set the random mode to noise and set the animation speed to 50%, which makes all the pieces scatter out from the logo.  

To begin animating I went to the falloff tab and changed its shape to a sphere. I then dragged the effector from side to side to show that it scatters the pieces once dragged onto the logo. I added a floor piece with the colour white to fit with the logo and give it more of a surrounding. I then animated this piece by moving this from one side to another. This is the final shattered logo ident:

I was proud I managed to create this and to follow the tutorial. I struggled with understanding exactly what the role of 'Extrude Nurbs' and some of the other things included actually did to the logo ident, I didn't really understand what I was actually doing I just followed the tutorial. However I did manage to learn some new things and some new tools in this software.

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